Meet Our Trustees

Howard Thomas

I have been a commercial and property finance broker for over 25 years, based in 32 Friar Gate, right next to the bridge. I frequently commented how sad it was that this beautiful structure was so neglected until one day my stepdaughter said “Well stop moaning and do something about it.”


Our office housekeeper gave me a leaflet about a meeting of the original Friends group and two years later here we are.


I came to Derby, care of Derbyshire Building Society, from Chester where historic artefacts have been more highly regarded and cared for. Friar Gate Bridge is unique and should be high on the “must see” list for visitors to Derby. That is what I want to achieve and with determination and support that is what we will realise.


Meanwhile I try to balance family, (retired wife, dog, two sons, two step children, grand children etc.) business and sporting commitments (football referee). No rest for the wicked!!

Promoting the historical and architectural heritage of Friar Gate Bridge.

Malcolm Holden

Who I am and why involved with FFGB


I am a keep fit enthusiast and keen squash player, have been married to Joan for 43 years, have one daughter and have lived in Derby since 1982. My qualifications are Bachelor of Commerce, Chartered Accountant plus a degree in Business Excellence. Most of my business career (27 years) was with Bass plc – having held positions of Director of Finance, Director of IT, Director of Management Information and Company Secretary in various subsidiary companies and at Group Finance in Burton. Having retired in 1999 I rapidly became bored and set up a Business/Management Consultancy organisation – Six Sigma Limited – that provides highly structured help to organisations of all sizes in all business sectors.


My passion is helping people and companies – and I do a considerable amount of pro-bono work throughout the year for schools and other organisations. I first met Howard several years ago, through a local business group, and when I understood what he was trying to achieve with the Friar Gate Bridge project this sparked my enthusiasm to help. I was delighted to be appointed a Trustee at the Charity’s AGM in 2016 and am now trying my level best to help the Charity achieve its goal of restoring and securing the iconic Friar Gate Bridge for generations to come.

Cath Feely

From being a child, exploring the mills of Manchester as they were being transformed for other uses, I have had a particular interest in industrial heritage. This fuelled a passion for nineteenth and early twentieth-century British social history, which eventually led to a PhD in History and my move to Derby to take up a lectureship in 2014. Since then, I have not only become enthusiastic about Derby's rich heritage but have designed an MA in Public History and Heritage in which the city's cultural assets play a central part.


Friar Gate Bridge has so many stories to tell - about people, about technology and about space and place - and I plan to help the Friends of Friar Gate Bridge bring those stories to life, and also involve the University staff and students who live and work so close to the bridge in its conservation and regeneration.

Friends of Friar Gate Bridge is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered with the Charity Commission for England & Wales Number 1163174

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© 2017 Friends of Friar Gate Bridge